2006 NARC Winner & Finalists |
Owned and handled by Frank Kashevarof
3. Weezer Retreezer, LM, Owned and Handled by Robert Johnson
17. 05 CNFC CAFC FC AFC Comstocks Bodacious, LM Owned by John and Anne Maarshall, Handled by Anne Marshal
27. FC Mizpah Miss, LF, Owned and Handled by Kathy Berdan
31. FC Ebonstar Gotta Zoom, LM, Owned by William and Burke Earley, Handled by Bill Earley
44. AFC Coolwater’s Makin’ Trax, LF, Owned and Handled by Alexandra Washburn
54. FC AFC Volwood’s Peaches and Cream, LF, Owned by Jack and Florence Vollstedt, Handled by Jack Vollstedt
59. FC AFC Watuaga’s Bull Gator, LM, Owned by Steve and Gale O’Connell, Handled by Steve O’Connell
60. FC AFC Plourde Honor O’ Fox Hill Farm JH, LF, Owned and Handled by Sandi McCourt
63. Trumarc’s L’il Ms Pogo, LF, Owned by John and Martha Russell, Handled by John Russell
65. FC AFC Creek Robber, LM, Owned and Handled by Ken Jackson
66. FC AFC Carbon Copy of Horn Creek, LM, Owned and Handled by Frank Kashevarof
69. AFC Inherit The Wind, LM, Owned by Rob Reuterand Janis Olson, Handled by Rob Reuter
76. AFC Pineacres Ebonstar China Doll, LF, Owned and Handled by Jimmie Darnell
80. Hunting Hills Coriander, LM, Owned and Handled by Dave Hemminger
81. FC AFC Good Idea’s Whoa Nellie, LF, Owned by Ken Neil and Brenda Little, Handled by Ken Neil
83. FC AFC JJ’s Desire To Go, LF, Owned by JM and LS Patterson, Handled by Mitch Patterson
94. AFC Watermark’s Big Sky Pink, LF, Owned by Maury Smith and Mary Tatum, Handled by Maury Smith
3. Weezer Retreezer, LM, Owned and Handled by Robert Johnson
17. 05 CNFC CAFC FC AFC Comstocks Bodacious, LM Owned by John and Anne Maarshall, Handled by Anne Marshal
27. FC Mizpah Miss, LF, Owned and Handled by Kathy Berdan
31. FC Ebonstar Gotta Zoom, LM, Owned by William and Burke Earley, Handled by Bill Earley
44. AFC Coolwater’s Makin’ Trax, LF, Owned and Handled by Alexandra Washburn
54. FC AFC Volwood’s Peaches and Cream, LF, Owned by Jack and Florence Vollstedt, Handled by Jack Vollstedt
59. FC AFC Watuaga’s Bull Gator, LM, Owned by Steve and Gale O’Connell, Handled by Steve O’Connell
60. FC AFC Plourde Honor O’ Fox Hill Farm JH, LF, Owned and Handled by Sandi McCourt
63. Trumarc’s L’il Ms Pogo, LF, Owned by John and Martha Russell, Handled by John Russell
65. FC AFC Creek Robber, LM, Owned and Handled by Ken Jackson
66. FC AFC Carbon Copy of Horn Creek, LM, Owned and Handled by Frank Kashevarof
69. AFC Inherit The Wind, LM, Owned by Rob Reuterand Janis Olson, Handled by Rob Reuter
76. AFC Pineacres Ebonstar China Doll, LF, Owned and Handled by Jimmie Darnell
80. Hunting Hills Coriander, LM, Owned and Handled by Dave Hemminger
81. FC AFC Good Idea’s Whoa Nellie, LF, Owned by Ken Neil and Brenda Little, Handled by Ken Neil
83. FC AFC JJ’s Desire To Go, LF, Owned by JM and LS Patterson, Handled by Mitch Patterson
94. AFC Watermark’s Big Sky Pink, LF, Owned by Maury Smith and Mary Tatum, Handled by Maury Smith
Stake Information
National Qualifiers
Summary of Starters, Callbacks, and Drops by Series
For More Photos and Info visit the AKC National Report
National Qualifiers
Summary of Starters, Callbacks, and Drops by Series
For More Photos and Info visit the AKC National Report
Daily Reports of the Stake
By Mary Knapp
- Annual Meetings Saturday, June 17
Sunday, June 18 - Tests 1 & 2, Land Double with a Blind
Monday, June 19 - Test 3, Water Triple, Two Retired Guns
Tuesday, June 20 - End Test 3; Test 4, Water Blind
Wednesday, June 21 - Test 5, Land Quad with an Honor
Thursday, June 22 - Test 6, Land Triple
Friday, June 23 - Test 7, Water Blind; Test 8 - Water Triple
Saturday, June 24 - Test 9, Land Blind; Test 10, Land Quad
By Mary Knapp
- Annual Meetings Saturday, June 17
Sunday, June 18 - Tests 1 & 2, Land Double with a Blind
Monday, June 19 - Test 3, Water Triple, Two Retired Guns
Tuesday, June 20 - End Test 3; Test 4, Water Blind
Wednesday, June 21 - Test 5, Land Quad with an Honor
Thursday, June 22 - Test 6, Land Triple
Friday, June 23 - Test 7, Water Blind; Test 8 - Water Triple
Saturday, June 24 - Test 9, Land Blind; Test 10, Land Quad
For a complete report on the 2006 National Amateur Championship subscribe to The Retriever News, N8W22195 Johnson Dr., Ste. 105, Waukesha, WI 53186. Voice: 262-278-4201, Fax: 262-278-4204. email: [email protected]
2005 Defending National Amateur Champion
FC FTCH Day's End Northern Express, LF
Owners J/M Sutter, Handler, Jane Sutter
Owners J/M Sutter, Handler, Jane Sutter