Saturday, November 11, 2006 |
Historically, the Saturday preceding the National Retriever Championship is dedicated to meetings which review the past and plan for the future of the stake. Many individual group meetings were held in the morning while the afternoon was dedicated to the the Retriever Advisory Committee and Annual National Retriever Club meetings.
They began at 2 pm and 3 pm respectively. Both were held in one of the Plaza meeting rooms at Headquarters, The Holiday Inn, Wentzville MO. (A brief review of both follows .Complete information will be reported in the January issue of Retriever Field Trial News.)
The Retriever Advisory Committee members included John Goettl, Nelson Sills, Bill Speck, Jerry Mann and Lisa Carroll. AKC photographer Rob Young was also present to record the event. It was called to order shortly after 2 p.m. by Nelson Sills.( Unfortunately Pete Simonds was unable to attend.)
Bill Speck then announced that AKC had hired a new field rep from the retriever sport. Wayne Bleazard has been involved for 27 years as an Amateur trainer and handler. He had judged the 96 NARC and Chaired various NARC committees along with serving as President. Wayne also finished 2 AFC's and owned 4 QAA dogs. Attendees accepted the announcement with enthusiasm.
Bill speck announced that new Rules and Regulation pamphlets were being printed and would be available about January 1st. They would include the changes passed in 2006 to take affect in '07. The new additions were briefly reviewed and certain points clarified.
Nelson Sill then read a letter from Dennis Bath suggesting that the ne Judging Manual be made mandatory reading for all participants. He also suggested that all new judges should judge a certain number of minor stakes before accepting a major stake assignment. A discussion of that suggestion followed with pro and con arguments. Dennis said he was working on producing a audio and video version of the book in the future.
Judy Rasmuson later suggested that all Canadian Field Champion titled dogs be recognized as Qualified All Age by AKC, since they are not at the present. The Committee agreed to consider that.
The meeting then adjourned at 2:35 pm
After a short intermission, the National Retriever Club Annual Membership Meeting convened in the same room. Officers on the dais were Mike Kammerer, Kirk Naisbitt, Judy Powers (President) Lee Jolley and Bill Goldstein. It was called to order by Judy Powers at 3 p.m.
Judy initially requested a moment of silence to acknowledge those that had passed away in the previous year.
The roll call, minutes and treasurers report were acted upon. Then Tony Snow announced that the entry fee would increase to $300 for 2007 because of increasing costs
After a few short announcements, Dennis Bath, liaison between sponsors and the National Clubs and welcomed two new contributors to the fold. They were Lucky Lab Pins for donated Jewelry and Camo Dog, for 4 holding blinds. Dennis then thanked all the rest and presented those present with a plaque in recognition of their contributions. They are: PURINA, Eukanuba, Tri Tronics, Kent Ammunition, Ainley Trailers, Dog Afield. Chris Chantland and brand new sponsor Dog Tra.
The 2007 NRC slate of officers was announced. They are: President, Kirk Naisbitt, Vice President., Mike Kammerer, Sect./Treas. Tony Snow and Directors Bill Goldstein, Lee Jolley and Gary Ahlgren
PRTA President announced the 3 club winners of the 2006 land improvement grant. They are: Jayhawk, North Dakota, and Lassen. They will receive $3,000.00 each. The PRTA will also grant the California Retriever Training Ass. $3000.00 for their grounds as they will hold the National there.
Chairman Gary Ahlgren provided the particulars on the 2007 National Stake. It will be held at Morgan Hill, California and surrounding ranches from November 11-17th. Judges are: Lynne DuBose, Cliff Garland and Jim Cope.
Lee Jolley current Chairman, than gave information on the current stake. First he asked Tom Sorenson to select the starting number. It was #83, FC AFC Don't Look Ethel. (A sigh of relief from all other contestants) Also there are 3 scratches: 5, 60 and 70. There will be no partial call backs
Rotation is 83, 16, 38, and 61.The first series is a land double with test dogs at 6:45 am and first running dog st 7:10 am. After a few committee meeting announcements, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
They began at 2 pm and 3 pm respectively. Both were held in one of the Plaza meeting rooms at Headquarters, The Holiday Inn, Wentzville MO. (A brief review of both follows .Complete information will be reported in the January issue of Retriever Field Trial News.)
The Retriever Advisory Committee members included John Goettl, Nelson Sills, Bill Speck, Jerry Mann and Lisa Carroll. AKC photographer Rob Young was also present to record the event. It was called to order shortly after 2 p.m. by Nelson Sills.( Unfortunately Pete Simonds was unable to attend.)
Bill Speck then announced that AKC had hired a new field rep from the retriever sport. Wayne Bleazard has been involved for 27 years as an Amateur trainer and handler. He had judged the 96 NARC and Chaired various NARC committees along with serving as President. Wayne also finished 2 AFC's and owned 4 QAA dogs. Attendees accepted the announcement with enthusiasm.
Bill speck announced that new Rules and Regulation pamphlets were being printed and would be available about January 1st. They would include the changes passed in 2006 to take affect in '07. The new additions were briefly reviewed and certain points clarified.
Nelson Sill then read a letter from Dennis Bath suggesting that the ne Judging Manual be made mandatory reading for all participants. He also suggested that all new judges should judge a certain number of minor stakes before accepting a major stake assignment. A discussion of that suggestion followed with pro and con arguments. Dennis said he was working on producing a audio and video version of the book in the future.
Judy Rasmuson later suggested that all Canadian Field Champion titled dogs be recognized as Qualified All Age by AKC, since they are not at the present. The Committee agreed to consider that.
The meeting then adjourned at 2:35 pm
After a short intermission, the National Retriever Club Annual Membership Meeting convened in the same room. Officers on the dais were Mike Kammerer, Kirk Naisbitt, Judy Powers (President) Lee Jolley and Bill Goldstein. It was called to order by Judy Powers at 3 p.m.
Judy initially requested a moment of silence to acknowledge those that had passed away in the previous year.
The roll call, minutes and treasurers report were acted upon. Then Tony Snow announced that the entry fee would increase to $300 for 2007 because of increasing costs
After a few short announcements, Dennis Bath, liaison between sponsors and the National Clubs and welcomed two new contributors to the fold. They were Lucky Lab Pins for donated Jewelry and Camo Dog, for 4 holding blinds. Dennis then thanked all the rest and presented those present with a plaque in recognition of their contributions. They are: PURINA, Eukanuba, Tri Tronics, Kent Ammunition, Ainley Trailers, Dog Afield. Chris Chantland and brand new sponsor Dog Tra.
The 2007 NRC slate of officers was announced. They are: President, Kirk Naisbitt, Vice President., Mike Kammerer, Sect./Treas. Tony Snow and Directors Bill Goldstein, Lee Jolley and Gary Ahlgren
PRTA President announced the 3 club winners of the 2006 land improvement grant. They are: Jayhawk, North Dakota, and Lassen. They will receive $3,000.00 each. The PRTA will also grant the California Retriever Training Ass. $3000.00 for their grounds as they will hold the National there.
Chairman Gary Ahlgren provided the particulars on the 2007 National Stake. It will be held at Morgan Hill, California and surrounding ranches from November 11-17th. Judges are: Lynne DuBose, Cliff Garland and Jim Cope.
Lee Jolley current Chairman, than gave information on the current stake. First he asked Tom Sorenson to select the starting number. It was #83, FC AFC Don't Look Ethel. (A sigh of relief from all other contestants) Also there are 3 scratches: 5, 60 and 70. There will be no partial call backs
Rotation is 83, 16, 38, and 61.The first series is a land double with test dogs at 6:45 am and first running dog st 7:10 am. After a few committee meeting announcements, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.