Saturday, November 9, 2002 |
(Below are highlights of the two meetings and Pre National cocktail party. More info will appear in the January 2003 issue of Retriever F.T. News)
Saturday is filled with meetings, contestant packet pick-ups, merchandise buying and culminates with the pre National cocktail party. Officers, Committees and others meet to decide last minute details and plan for the future of the stake.
At 2 p.m. the first general meeting was that of the Retriever Advisory Committee. There committee representatives from AKC and the National clubs accept procedure and rule change suggestions, discuss them with participants and Club representatives who later vote on them. Three proposed rule changes had been discussed earlier and voting had begun. The remaining clubs have until December 31st to vote on the propositions. They are:
The issue of determining a pro from an amateur.
Creating an Owner/Handler Qualifying Stake
Mandatory elimination of a dog that handles in a Derby.
Although the votes in favored passage of all three, there were a large amount of clubs uncommitted and those could change the final result.
Four new questions would be addressed in 2003. Those are:
Can a dog be run with a neoprene vest?
If an amateur judges a trial his pro is running - is this an unfairness to other contestants?
How far and when should retired guns move?
After a good deal of discussion, the the committee will address all and report later.
The meeting adjourned at shortly after 3 p.m.
After a short recess the National Retriever Club began their annual meeting. Following opening
business (roll call, etc.) Tony Snow recognized several people for outstanding achievements in the sport. The 2002 stake is dedicated to Dennis Bath, a tireless worker and long time competitor who received a standing ovation. Next, 2 senior pro handlers, Bach Doar (retiring this year) and J.J. Sweezey were warmly lauded by the crowd. Lastly, Charles Bunn, retiring President and Editor in Chief of Retriever Field Trial News was presented with a sculpture by incoming President and Editor in Chief, Dennis Bath.
Several donations were announced followed by the 2003 Club slate of officers. They are:
President, Bill Daley
VP Jim Cope
Sect/Treas. Tony Snow
FT Chairman Kirk Naisbitt
Zone Rep, Judy Powers
Zone Rep, Grayson Kelley
Dennis Bath, Corporate liaison then thanked all the sponsors and supporters, naming what each contributed. They are Nestle Purina, Eukanuba, Tri Tronics Deskin Trailers, Kent Cartridge, Dogs Afield, Dick Cook, Chris Smith, Chris Chantland and newcomer, Dogtra.
These wonderful sponsors/supporters enable the club to hold a first class stake, not only through their donations, but innovative and nutritional products for the dogs as well.
The 2003 NRC will be held in Oakdale CA, from Nov 7-15. Judges will be: Jackie Mertens, Larry Wharton and Myron Chidester.
After a number of stake procedural announcements, Charlie Bunn drew the starting number. It was dog #19, FC-AFC Candlewoods Court Jester.
The first series will be a land double, first test dog at 6:45 Am.; first running dog at 7:15 a.m. (light permitting)
Shortly after the meeting adjourned with an invitation to the party starting at 6 p.m. in the same room
At 6 P.M sharp participants began to arrive at the Holiday Inn Ballroom There had been an awsome transformation -women in evening frocks, men in suits and ties- dramatically different from the usual sweat shirts an pants!
While these party animals were ready, the party was not. The late meetings probably delayed set up and they were held at bay outside the ballroom until 6:30. Once in, participants were treated to a wonderful array of hot and cold morsels, fruit and raw veggie trays, custom sliced beef and ham roasts, and a variety of cheeses, including several wheels of Brie.
The bar did a brisk business and later, several items were raffled off. It was a very pleasant evening but the early Sunday start beckoned people to their rooms in anticipition of the 4:30 wake up calls. (However the hotel phones were "out" at HQ, so some may have been late. (This report was a victim of the outage).
Saturday is filled with meetings, contestant packet pick-ups, merchandise buying and culminates with the pre National cocktail party. Officers, Committees and others meet to decide last minute details and plan for the future of the stake.
At 2 p.m. the first general meeting was that of the Retriever Advisory Committee. There committee representatives from AKC and the National clubs accept procedure and rule change suggestions, discuss them with participants and Club representatives who later vote on them. Three proposed rule changes had been discussed earlier and voting had begun. The remaining clubs have until December 31st to vote on the propositions. They are:
The issue of determining a pro from an amateur.
Creating an Owner/Handler Qualifying Stake
Mandatory elimination of a dog that handles in a Derby.
Although the votes in favored passage of all three, there were a large amount of clubs uncommitted and those could change the final result.
Four new questions would be addressed in 2003. Those are:
Can a dog be run with a neoprene vest?
If an amateur judges a trial his pro is running - is this an unfairness to other contestants?
How far and when should retired guns move?
After a good deal of discussion, the the committee will address all and report later.
The meeting adjourned at shortly after 3 p.m.
After a short recess the National Retriever Club began their annual meeting. Following opening
business (roll call, etc.) Tony Snow recognized several people for outstanding achievements in the sport. The 2002 stake is dedicated to Dennis Bath, a tireless worker and long time competitor who received a standing ovation. Next, 2 senior pro handlers, Bach Doar (retiring this year) and J.J. Sweezey were warmly lauded by the crowd. Lastly, Charles Bunn, retiring President and Editor in Chief of Retriever Field Trial News was presented with a sculpture by incoming President and Editor in Chief, Dennis Bath.
Several donations were announced followed by the 2003 Club slate of officers. They are:
President, Bill Daley
VP Jim Cope
Sect/Treas. Tony Snow
FT Chairman Kirk Naisbitt
Zone Rep, Judy Powers
Zone Rep, Grayson Kelley
Dennis Bath, Corporate liaison then thanked all the sponsors and supporters, naming what each contributed. They are Nestle Purina, Eukanuba, Tri Tronics Deskin Trailers, Kent Cartridge, Dogs Afield, Dick Cook, Chris Smith, Chris Chantland and newcomer, Dogtra.
These wonderful sponsors/supporters enable the club to hold a first class stake, not only through their donations, but innovative and nutritional products for the dogs as well.
The 2003 NRC will be held in Oakdale CA, from Nov 7-15. Judges will be: Jackie Mertens, Larry Wharton and Myron Chidester.
After a number of stake procedural announcements, Charlie Bunn drew the starting number. It was dog #19, FC-AFC Candlewoods Court Jester.
The first series will be a land double, first test dog at 6:45 Am.; first running dog at 7:15 a.m. (light permitting)
Shortly after the meeting adjourned with an invitation to the party starting at 6 p.m. in the same room
At 6 P.M sharp participants began to arrive at the Holiday Inn Ballroom There had been an awsome transformation -women in evening frocks, men in suits and ties- dramatically different from the usual sweat shirts an pants!
While these party animals were ready, the party was not. The late meetings probably delayed set up and they were held at bay outside the ballroom until 6:30. Once in, participants were treated to a wonderful array of hot and cold morsels, fruit and raw veggie trays, custom sliced beef and ham roasts, and a variety of cheeses, including several wheels of Brie.
The bar did a brisk business and later, several items were raffled off. It was a very pleasant evening but the early Sunday start beckoned people to their rooms in anticipition of the 4:30 wake up calls. (However the hotel phones were "out" at HQ, so some may have been late. (This report was a victim of the outage).